*November 4* Developing Our Public Voice on Mass Media & Social Media: Hosted by Demographers of Color & Allies
Posted: 10/28/2022 (Demography News)
On November 4, you are invited to join demographers and students from all backgrounds for a conversation about about developing a public voice. The Demographers of Color Collective is hosting the conversation will be 10am-11:30am (Pacific time) via a zoom panel of experts on how to engage in mass media and social media. The zoom link is: https://berkeley.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUkc-msqzkpEtS3SXrCtrZLtMTwalriddET
D’Vera Cohn (Pew Research Center, formerly The Washington Post) is a senior writer/editor at Pew Research Center who previously had a 21-year journalism career at The Washington Post. She studies and writes about demographics in the United States, especially the census, and manages Pew Research Center’s @allthingscensus Twitter account. She has spoken at national journalism conferences about how reporters can make use of demographic data in stories and often talks about the Center’s findings in print, broadcast and online media. On behalf of the Poynter Institute, a journalism education organization, she also organized and taught workshops that trained hundreds of journalists to analyze and write about 2020 census data.
Dr. Malia Jones (University of Wisconsin-Madison) is an interdisciplinary researcher working at the intersection of infectious disease, social epidemiology, demography, and geography. She is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Community & Environmental Sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Her research focuses on how the places we spend time affect our health, especially when it comes to infectious disease and vaccinations. She is also the co-founder of Dear Pandemic, a science communication platform offering practical, scientific health information on social media. Her current research program is funded by the National Institutes for Allergies and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). She received a MPH and a PhD in Public Health at UCLA, and completed postdoctoral training at the University of Southern California’s Keck School of Medicine. Her work has been published in journals including the American Journal of Public Health, Health Affairs, and Demography. She is a knitter, a mom to two boys, and has way too many pets.
Time: 10 AM-1130AM PST
Deadline: 11/04/2022
Location: Online Zoom: https://berkeley.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUkc-msqzkpEtS3SXrCtrZLtMTwalriddET